
Draft Minutes of the CBPC meeting held on 27 November 2023

Minutes Uploaded on December 13, 2023

Please see attached the Draft Minutes and approved papers from the CBPC Meeting held on 27 November 2023. The Precept paper forms the basis for the 2024-5 Precept Request that will be submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council, for inclusion in parishioners; 2024-5 Council Tax Bills. The total of £11,200 signifies a return to earlier levels of Precept (a 7.7% rise on 2023-4) that will allow the Parish Council to continue to work with the Village Hall Management Committee to support ongoing improvement projects to the parish’s primary community asset, to the benefit of all parishioners.

2024.25 Precept Projections

Copy of Asset Register 2023 NM Draft

Copy of Risk Register 2023 NM

2023.11.27-Draft-Minutes-for-PC-November-2023-1 (1)

Nige Mayglothling   12 December 2023

Clerk and RFO to CBPC