The Parish Council will be holding a Planning Meeting from 7pm on Monday 29th to consider four local Planning Applications.
This PC meeting is open to all to attend, and/or parishioners may make their own comments directly on these applications on the Riahcliffe Planning website.
All are reminded that only Material Grounds bring substantive weight to any objection, with the Colston Bassett Neighbourhood Plan and Conservation Area documents key in shaping determinations. Guidance on what constitutes Material Grounds is available on the RBC Planning Website.
Draft Agenda for a CBPC Planning Meeting on Monday April 29 2024 from 7pm at Colston Bassett Village Hall
1) Those Present, in Attendance and any Apologies for absence.
2) Format of Meeting
3) Consideration of Applications
(Persons wishing to speak on an application should contact the Clerk by email or letter by 1700hrs on Friday 26th April. Each person may be allowed two minutes in which to address their comments to Council, or they may submit comments in writing. Council may guillotine discussion on any one topic after 30 minutes, to ensure that all applications are discussed amd determined within tbe two hour meeting window.
CBPC are a statutory consultee for all Planning across the parish, but decisions rest with RBC Planning)
Variation to enclosure (screening / wall) and replacement driveway layout, at Cenote, School Lane Colston Bassett Nottinghamshire NG12 3FD
Ref. No: 24/00539/VAR |
Replacement Building at Langar Lodge on Langar Lane NG13 9HA
Ref. No: 24/00526/FUL |
Erecrion of four residential buildings, Land south west of Harby Lane, NG13 9HA
Ref. No: 24/00526/FUL |
Erectiom of six residential buildings, Land North-east Of Harby Lane Colston Bassett Nottinghamshire
Ref. No: 24/00525/FUL |
(It is intended that the meeting will close by 9pm, with all CBPC responses to RBC Planning agreed within that schedule.)
Nige Mayglothling
Clerk to CBPC
22 April 2024