
Village Hall Committee

Category: Local Groups

The Village Hall Management Committee was established by a Deed of Trust in 1973 and is made up of nominated and elected members. It operates as a Charitable Trust to oversee the running and management of the Village Hall on behalf of local residents. The Parish Council act as the Guardian Trustees, effectively responsible in the last resort for oversight of the Jubilee Hall, and are registered with the Land Registry as the “owners” of the Village Hall.

The Parish Council, Local History Group, Parochial Church Council and the local branches of the Royal British Legion and Women’s Institute each nominate two members to the Management Committee on an annual basis. At the AGM further individual members can also be elected, or co-opted at other meetings held during the year. All members and Officers of the Committee resign at the AGM, but are also all eligible for re-election. The AGM is usually held in March, or as soon after as practically possible.

The first meeting after the AGM elects a Chair and Vice Chair, with operational requirements to appoint a Minutes Secretary and a Treasurer also required. The current Chair (as of April 2022) is Mr John Jennings, contactable on 07860 507844.